Jan 4, 2023·edited Jan 6, 2023Author

During the last 35 years, Fernando has touched bases with his extended family in Brazil, received treatment in a medical facility in Russia, pursued college degrees at Georgetown and Cornell, held jobs in Manhattan, in Zurich and with UNICEF.

In 1999, a young Fernando was instrumental in selecting me, at 56 years old, as senior content developer for eSight Careers Network, a website for The Associated Blind, Inc., New York City (some six blocks from the 911 towers). His encouragement helped me launch my second, 17-year career as an accredited Global Career Development Facilitator.

With the help of technology, Fernando and I have kept in touch with each other during 25 of those 35 years. He is visually impaired and I have cerebral palsy.

In an email discussion about five years ago, I had an opportunity to thank him for giving me the platform for publishing my ideas about disability employment when I really needed it.

Little did I know, at the time, that the esight.org website would lead to development of “Opening Up” interactive newsletter as we now know it in 2023.

* When did you strengthen a relationship with another person before it was too late?

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Jim Hasse

I suspected this series was a mini professional bio. Thank you for sharing it with us. Not only did I enjoy your walk through some of your work experiences and related learnings, it brought back many memories of my former work-a-day world. Thank you so much, Jim

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Thanks, Brenda. What I learned by writing this series is that commitment to family over the years is far more important than anything we accomplish during our years in the business world. Jim

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